Attn: Hengky Tri Kurniawan ;
This is to inform you that we have confirmed the receipt of your information to this respectable office. In addition to the development, we are satisfied with a high degree of probability that you are the rightful beneficiary to claim (Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand Pounds Sterling),which was installed on bank draft cheque.
This is to humbly bring to your notice that, following a consensus reached so far by the world governing bodies with this honorable office,in the Memorandum of Understanding being took by this office, we have today deemed our quite imperative to release the said funds to you,having done proper investigation, we are satisfied beyond any doubt at all jurisdiction that the said fund will be release to you after which we had statutorily performed our formalities.
The honourable council of this office wishes to informed you that this office has been in receipt of your mail forwarded to our knowledge by Honda Company London in collaboration with the united nations security and enlightenment council.
The United States International Settlement Center-UK,as well as noted the content in it.In line with section 25 of subsection 3,of 1993 on legal transaction,and related matters,We need an approved affidavit certificate of claim (oath) from the Federal High Court of Justice Nigeria as a means to commemorate legal rite in transaction bases.
This legal document will obtain foreign exchange from Central Bank Of Nigeria.and also empower us to effect immediate transfer of your lottery fund to your bank account within 48hours.
The cost for the procurement of this document from Federal High Court of Justice Nigeria is ($180Dollars)
Having noticed that you cannot be able to appear before our office within two(2) official working days,you are highly requested to offset the administrative fee of these documents,to enable the attached Attorney procure and endorse these documents on your behalf in Federal Ministry of Justice.
the payment should be made through western union money transfer with the information below.
Receiver's name:
Mr. Henry Amadi,
Receiver's address:
Abuja Nigeria,
Text Question: What For
Text Answer: 2009
Expected Amount: $180 Dollars.
Note: There is no delay on this matter.This official update has a limit time frame. In response to this official request, you are expected to make the payment within 2 official working days to enable us complete logistic making the transfer of your payment.
After the transfer,send to us the transfer confirmation slip,so that we can forward it to the paying bank as a proof of payment,which will ensure that they effect the Transfer of your fund to your bank account information within 48 hours after confirmation of the payment for the affidavit/stamp duty fee.
On behalf of the respectable management of this honorable office,and the entire officials,we would be looking forward to give you our exciting hospitality,
Thanks for your prompt correspondence.
bener apa kaga ya ..karna sekarang marak model phising yang kaya gini .....
Lottre winner Aproved
Posted by
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
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